Betweenness centrality correlation in social networks

Phys Rev E Stat Nonlin Soft Matter Phys. 2003 Jan;67(1 Pt 2):017101. doi: 10.1103/PhysRevE.67.017101. Epub 2003 Jan 13.


Scale-free (SF) networks exhibiting a power-law degree distribution can be grouped into the assortative, dissortative, and neutral networks according to the behavior of the degree-degree correlation coefficient. Here we investigate the betweenness centrality (BC) correlation for each type of SF networks. While the BC-BC correlation coefficients behave similarly to the degree-degree correlation coefficients for the dissortative and neutral networks, the BC correlation is nontrivial for the assortative ones found mainly in social networks. The mean BC of neighbors of a vertex with BC g(i) is almost independent of g(i), implying that each person is surrounded by almost the same influential environments of people no matter how influential the person may be.