2-Hydroxy-3-(4,5,6,7-tetrahydro-1H-imidazo[4,5-c]pyridin-5-ium-4-yl)benzoate monohydrate

Acta Crystallogr C. 2002 Dec;58(Pt 12):o724-6. doi: 10.1107/s0108270102020371. Epub 2002 Nov 26.


The title molecule, C(13)H(13)N(3)O(3).H(2)O, is in the form of a monohydrated zwitterion. The tetrahydropyridinium ring adopts an envelope conformation and is nearly coplanar with the plane of the imidazoline ring. The water solvate molecule plays an important role as a bridge between zwitterions, forming molecular chains running along the c direction, which are interconnected by N-H.O hydrogen bonds into molecular ribbons. The crystal packing is further stabilized by another N-H.O and one O-H.N hydrogen bond, which interconnect the molecular ribbons.