Rabbit Fur Mite (Listrophorus gibbus) Infestation of New Zealand White Rabbits

Contemp Top Lab Anim Sci. 1998 Jul;37(4):73-75.


The prevalence of Listrophorus gibbus infestation in seven groups of New Zealand White female rabbits that were purchased from the same source was determined by microscopic examination of hair tufts collected from affected rabbits. Thirtynine of 52 (75%) rabbits were infested, although there was variation in the degree of infestation for each group (ranging from 0 to 100%). The infestation did not spread to other rabbits that had been housed in the same room for 72 h. Infested rabbits were treated with a commercially available carbamate-based acaricide, which effectively eliminated infestation with one application ( 3 groups) or two applications at a 5 to 7-day interval (4 groups). Cross-infestation was prevented by use of strict isolation, and eradication was easily accomplished with the use of available acaricides.