Domain walls and ising-BLOCH transitions in parametrically driven systems

Phys Rev Lett. 2002 Oct 14;89(16):164101. doi: 10.1103/PhysRevLett.89.164101. Epub 2002 Sep 30.


Parametrically driven systems sustaining sech solitons are shown to support a new kind of localized state. These structures are walls connecting two regions oscillating in antiphase that form in the parameter domain where the sech soliton is unstable. Depending on the parameter set the oppositely phased domains can be either spatially uniform or patterned. Both chiral (Bloch) and nonchiral (Ising) walls are found, which bifurcate one into the other via an Ising-Bloch transition. While Ising walls are at rest Bloch walls move and may display secondary bifurcations leading to chaotic wall motion.