Bis(mu-acetato-kappa3O,O':O')bis[bis(acetato-kappa2O,O')diaquadysprosium(III)] tetrahydrate

Acta Crystallogr C. 2002 Oct;58(Pt 10):m498-500. doi: 10.1107/s010827010201510x. Epub 2002 Sep 21.


The title compound, [Dy(2)(C(2)H(3)O(2))(6)(H(2)O)(4)].4H(2)O, crystallizes in the form of dimeric units related by an inversion centre. Each cation is nine-coordinate, binding to two water molecules and three acetate groups, two of which are bidentate and the third tridentate. This last acetate group acts as a bridge between neighbouring metal atoms, leading to an intradimer Dy...Dy separation of 4.170 (1) A.