Coherent optical phonon oscillations in bulk GaN excited by far below the band gap photons

Phys Rev Lett. 2002 Mar 11;88(10):105501. doi: 10.1103/PhysRevLett.88.105501. Epub 2002 Feb 19.


We report on generation of coherent optical phonon oscillations in 150 microm thick bulk GaN. With photon energy far below the band gap, the generation mechanisms of coherent phonon modes of A1(LO), high- and low-frequency E2 are revealed to be the impulsive stimulated Raman scattering. We find that one among the two degenerate E2 modes is selectively detected with a proper choice of probe polarization. Dephasing times range from 1.5 to 70 ps for different modes, and phonon-three-photon absorbed carrier interactions are compared between the A1(LO) and the E2 mode.