The XMaS beamline at ESRF: instrumental developments and high-resolution diffraction studies

J Synchrotron Radiat. 2001 Nov 1;8(Pt 6):1172-81. doi: 10.1107/s0909049501015394. Epub 2001 Oct 25.


The beamline, which is situated on a bending magnet at ESRF, comprises a unique combination of instrumentation for high-resolution and magnetic single-crystal diffraction. White-beam operation is possible, as well as focused and unfocused monochromatic modes. In addition to an eleven-axis Huber diffractometer, which facilitates simple operation in both vertical and horizontal scattering geometries, there is an in-vacuum polarization analyser and slit system, mirrors for harmonic rejection, sub 4.2 K and 1 Tesla magnetic field sample environment, plus a diamond phase plate for polarization conditioning. The instrumentation developed specifically for this beamline is described, and its use illustrated by recent scientific results.