Synthesis of a Nanoporous Polymer with Hexagonal Channels from Supramolecular Discotic Liquid Crystals We gratefully acknowledge the Korean Ministry of Science and Technology (Creative Research Initiative Program) for support of this work, and the Korean Ministry of Education (Brain Korea 21 program) for graduate studentships (H.-K.L. and Y.J.C). We also thank Dr. Y. S. Kang and Mr. J. H. Kim for gas permeability experiments and Prof. B. H. Sohn and Prof. P. K. Bharadwaj for helpful discussions. The X-ray diffraction measurements were performed at the Pohang Accelerator Laboratory (Beamline 3C2)

Angew Chem Int Ed Engl. 2001 Jul 16;40(14):2669-2671.
No abstract available