Spectroscopic evidence for the localization of Skyrmions near nu = 1 as T --> 0

Phys Rev Lett. 2001 Jun 4;86(23):5353-6. doi: 10.1103/PhysRevLett.86.5353.


Optically pumped nuclear magnetic resonance measurements of 71Ga spectra were carried out in an n-doped GaAs/Al(0.1)Ga0.9As multiple quantum well sample near the integer quantum Hall ground state nu = 1. As the temperature is lowered (down to T approximately 0.3 K), a "tilted plateau" emerges in the Knight shift data, which is a novel experimental signature of quasiparticle localization. The dependence of the spectra on both T and nu suggests that the localization is a collective process. The frozen limit spectra appear to rule out a 2D lattice of conventional Skyrmions.