Three-body recombination in bose gases with large scattering length

Phys Rev Lett. 2000 Jul 31;85(5):908-11. doi: 10.1103/PhysRevLett.85.908.


An effective field theory for the three-body system with large scattering length is applied to three-body recombination to a weakly bound s-wave state in a Bose gas. Our model independent analysis demonstrates that the three-body recombination constant alpha is not universal, but can take any value between zero and 67.9Planck's over 2pia(4)/m, where a is the scattering length. Other low-energy three-body observables can be predicted in terms of a and alpha. Near a Feshbach resonance, alpha should oscillate between those limits as the magnetic field B approaches the point where a-->infinity. In any interval of B over which a increases by a factor of 22.7, alpha should have a zero.