Application of Pre-Column Labeling Liquid Chromatography for Canine Plasma-Free Amino Acid Analysis

Metabolites. 2016 Jan 12;6(1):3. doi: 10.3390/metabo6010003.


Plasma-free amino acid (PFAA) levels are a useful metric for diagnosing cancer and providing a prognosis. However, the use of analysis of PFAA levels has been limited in the veterinary medicine field. We addressed the application of liquid chromatography (LC) using a pre-column labeling technique for analysis of canine PFAA levels. This method significantly shortened the analysis time relative to conventional methods. No diurnal fluctuations were detected at 9:00 AM in most PFAA levels, and food intake increased the levels of some PFAAs, including valine, leucine, tyrosine, phenylalanine, and proline. These results indicate that LC with pre-column labeling is useful for measuring canine PFAA levels, for which time of day and interval after food intake must be taken into consideration.

Keywords: Plasma-free amino acid; canine plasma amino acid levels; liquid chromatography measurements; pre- and post-food intake; pre-column labeling.