High-pressure synthesis, structural and complex magnetic properties of the ordered double perovskite Pb2NiReO6

Dalton Trans. 2014 Jan 21;43(3):1117-24. doi: 10.1039/c3dt52073k. Epub 2013 Oct 29.


The ordered double perovskite Pb2NiReO6 has been prepared at 6 GPa and temperatures ranging from 1273 to 1373 K. Its crystal structure determined by X-ray powder diffraction and selected area electron diffraction shows monoclinic symmetry with centrosymmetric space group I2/m (a = 5.6021(1) Å, b = 5.6235(1) Å, c = 7.9286(1) Å and β = 90.284°(1)). High angle annular dark field microscopy studies reveal the existence of compositional microdomains. The compound displays a re-entrant spin-glass transition from a ferrimagnetic ordering below T(N) ~ 37 K between the Re(+5) and Ni(+3) (high spin configuration) magnetic sublattices to a spin-glass configuration. Magnetic field dependent magnetization measurements revealed wasp-waisted hysteresis loops at 5 K. These shaped features originate from the antiferromagnetic/ferromagnetic (AFM/FM) competing interactions.