Cruciate Paralysis Following a Displaced Type II Odontoid Fracture: A Case Report

Cureus. 2022 May 21;14(5):e25181. doi: 10.7759/cureus.25181. eCollection 2022 May.


A 54-year-old male was admitted to our emergency department by air transport after being hit as a pedestrian by a motorcycle. He presented with impaired motor function in the upper extremities bilaterally while sensation was spared. He presented no motor or sensory impairment of the lower extremities. A computed tomography scan revealed a displaced type II odontoid fracture. Treatment consisted of open reduction and internal fixation of the odontoid with a single screw. The patient's functional outcome was excellent during the two-month follow-up. Cruciate paralysis is a relatively rare although well-defined neurological condition which results from injury at pyramid decussation. In this case, the presence of a posterior bony spike of the fractured dens was responsible for the development of cruciate paralysis. Early diagnosis and adequate treatment can have successful results.

Keywords: case report; cervical spine fracture; cruciate paralysis; odontoid fracture; spine cord.

Publication types

  • Case Reports