[Determination of impurity components in the perfluoroisobutyrile based on home-made gas-circulating system]

Se Pu. 2020 May 8;38(5):606-610. doi: 10.3724/SP.J.1123.2019.10014.
[Article in Chinese]


A method for the determination of impurity components in perfluoroisobutyrile (C4F7N) gas was established by setting up a sealed pipe gas composition test system comprising an automatic six-way valve and gas chromatography-tandem mass spectrometry (GC-MS) apparatus. C4F7N commercial gases were purchased from an abroad company (AC company) and a domestic Chinese company (DC company). These gases were subjected to qualitative and quantitative analyses by our test system and separated on an Agilent GS-GASPRO column (30 m×0.32 mm×5 μm). The results showed that the C4F7N commercial gas contained N2, O2, C3HF7 and a trace amount of C3F6. In the C4F7N commercial gas from the AC company, the total amount of impurities was 0.13%, and the C4F7N content was 99.87%. In the C4F7N gas from DC Company, the total amount of impurities was 0.83%, and the C4F7N content was 99.17%. The C4F7N contents of the gases from both the companies were consistent with the claimed value (≥ 99%). The determination of the impurities C4F7N can be beneficial for the subsequent study of its insulation performance and thermal stability.

Keywords: gas chromatography-tandem mass spectrometry(GC-MS); impurity determination; newly insulating gas; perfluoroisobutyrile (C4F7N).

Publication types

  • English Abstract