Short-term effects of air pollution on hospital admissions for cardiovascular diseases and diabetes mellitus in Sofia, Bulgaria (2009-2018)

Arh Hig Rada Toksikol. 2023 Apr 4;74(1):48-60. doi: 10.2478/aiht-2023-74-3704. Print 2023 Mar 1.


Bulgaria has a very high incidence of cardiometabolic diseases and air pollution-related mortality rate. This study investigated the relationship between daily air pollution levels and hospital admissions for ischaemic heart diseases (IHD), cerebral infarction (CI), and type 2 diabetes mellitus (T2DM) in Sofia, Bulgaria. We obtained daily data on hospitals admissions and daily average air pollution levels from 2009 to 2018. Pollutants of interest were particulate matter (PM2.5 and PM10), nitrogen dioxide (NO2), sulphur dioxide (SO2), ozone (O3), and carbon monoxide (CO). Negative binomial regressions were fitted to study the effects of air pollution on hospital admission over the course of seven days prior to that event, accounting for autocorrelations and time trend in the data, day of the week, temperature, and relative humidity. Our findings confirm that higher air pollution levels generally increase the risk of hospital admissions for IHD and CI. For T2DM the association is less clear. Admissions often lagged several days behind and were more common in specific demographic subgroups or when pollution crossed a particular threshold. However, we did not expect to find the risk of hospital admissions increased in warmer rather than colder months of the year. Our findings are to be taken with reservation but do provide an idea about how air pollution could trigger acute episodes of related cardiovascular diseases, and our model may serve to investigate similar associations across the country.

Bugarska ima izrazito visoku incidenciju kardiometaboličkih bolesti i mortaliteta koja je povezana s onečišćenjem zraka. Ovdje smo ispitivali povezanost dnevnih razina onečišćenja zraka s brojem bolničkih prijama zbog ishemijskih bolesti srca (I20 – I25), cerebralnog infarkta (I63) i šećerne bolesti neovisne o inzulinu (E11) u Sofiji u Bugarskoj. Na raspolaganju smo imali dnevne podatke o broju bolničkih prijama te o prosječnim razinama onečišćenja zraka za desetogodišnje razdoblje, tj. od početka 2009. do kraja 2018. Onečišćivala koja smo promatrali obuhvatila su lebdeće čestice (PM2.5 i PM10), dušikov dioksid (NO2), sumporov dioksid (SO2), ozon (O3) i ugljikov monoksid (CO). Kako bismo utvrdili učinke onečišćenja zraka na broj bolničkih prijama, oslonili smo se na modele binomijalne regresije, prilagođene za razdoblje do sedam dana uoči bolničkoga prijama, uzimajući pritom u obzir autokorelacije i vremenske trendove podataka, dan u tjednu te temperaturu i vlažnost zraka. Naši rezultati potvrđuju da veće onečišćenje načelno povećava rizik od bolničkoga prijama zbog ishemijskih bolesti srca i cerebralnog infarkta, a ta je povezanost sa šećernom bolesti nejasnija. Prijam u bolnicu obično je kasnio nekoliko dana za porastom onečišćenja te je bio učestaliji u pojedinim demografskim podskupinama odnosno nakon što bi onečišćenje prešlo određeni prag. Ono što, međutim, nismo očekivali jest da se broj bolničkih prijama (i povezani rizik) povećao za topla vremena, a ne za hladnih mjeseci. Dakako, naše rezultate treba uzeti s određenim oprezom, no i takvi daju dobru ideju kako onečišćenje zraka može potaknuti akutne epizode s njim povezanih bolesti srca i krvožilja, a naš model može poslužiti za istraživanje sličnih veza diljem Bugarske.

Keywords: exacerbation; ischaemic heart diseases; ishemijske bolesti srca; lebdeće čestice; moždani udar; particulate matter; pogoršanje; stroke; time series; type 2 diabetes mellitus; vremenski niz; šećerna bolest tipa 2.

MeSH terms

  • Air Pollutants* / toxicity
  • Air Pollution* / adverse effects
  • Air Pollution* / analysis
  • Bulgaria / epidemiology
  • Cardiovascular Diseases* / epidemiology
  • Cardiovascular Diseases* / etiology
  • Diabetes Mellitus, Type 2* / epidemiology
  • Hospitals
  • Humans
  • Nitrogen Dioxide / analysis
  • Particulate Matter / adverse effects
  • Particulate Matter / analysis


  • Air Pollutants
  • Particulate Matter
  • Nitrogen Dioxide