Simulated vertical electric field data: An estimation from an improved coupling model for the lithosphere-atmosphere-ionosphere system

Data Brief. 2019 Sep 17:26:104513. doi: 10.1016/j.dib.2019.104513. eCollection 2019 Oct.


Researches in the field of the lithosphere-atmosphere-ionosphere (LAI) coupling involve discussions on the physical mechanisms that might be responsible for that coupling. Hypotheses that are based on an electromagnetic physical mechanism of seismo-ionosphere disturbances generation trigger discussions on the required electric fields. Kuo and Lee [doi: 10.1002/2016JA023441] proposed and discussed an improved coupling model for the lithosphere-atmosphere-ionosphere system but did not provide any electric fields values (E z tables, figures or datasets). In this paper we fill this shortage and present corresponding numerical estimations (dataset) of the required vertical electric fields values E z . Our dataset is valuable for comparison of the LAI-models with the electric fields observations and to contrast different LAI-coupling models with each other.

Keywords: Electric fields; Seismogenic electric currents; Simulations.