Stay-at-home orders were issued earlier in economically unfree states

South Econ J. 2021 Apr;87(4):1138-1151. doi: 10.1002/soej.12495. Epub 2021 Feb 25.


Stay-at-home orders curtailed the individual liberty of those across the United States. Governors of some states moved swiftly to impose the lockdowns. Others delayed and a few even refused to implement these policies. We explore common narratives of what determines the speed of implementation, namely partisanship and virus exposure. While correlation exists, we show that the most consistent explanation for the speed of the implementation of these orders is the state's economic freedom. It was the economically unfree states that issued stay-at-home orders earlier.

Keywords: coronavirus; economic freedom; economic freedom of North America; freedom of the 50 states; liberty; stay‐at‐home orders.