The Random Plots Graph Generation Model for Studying Systems with Unknown Connection Structures

Entropy (Basel). 2022 Feb 20;24(2):297. doi: 10.3390/e24020297.


We consider the problem of modeling complex systems where little or nothing is known about the structure of the connections between the elements. In particular, when such systems are to be modeled by graphs, it is unclear what vertex degree distributions these graphs should have. We propose that, instead of attempting to guess the appropriate degree distribution for a poorly understood system, one should model the system via a set of sample graphs whose degree distributions cover a representative range of possibilities and account for a variety of possible connection structures. To construct such a representative set of graphs, we propose a new random graph generator, Random Plots, in which we (1) generate a diversified set of vertex degree distributions and (2) target a graph generator at each of the constructed distributions, one-by-one, to obtain the ensemble of graphs. To assess the diversity of the resulting ensembles, we (1) substantialize the vague notion of diversity in a graph ensemble as the diversity of the numeral characteristics of the graphs within this ensemble and (2) compare such formalized diversity for the proposed model with that of three other common models (Erdos-Rényi-Gilbert (ERG), scale-free, and small-world). Computational experiments show that, in most cases, our approach produces more diverse sets of graphs compared with the three other models, including the entropy-maximizing ERG. The corresponding Python code is available at GitHub.

Keywords: degree distribution; degree sequence; network; omplex system; random graph.