Zooming X-rays with a single rotation in X-ray prism zoom lenses (XPZL)

Opt Express. 2019 Jun 10;27(12):16781-16790. doi: 10.1364/OE.27.016781.


Prism arrays arranged to form a slightly open alligator mouth were found to focus incident X-rays, as with increasing distance from the object symmetry axis these rays hit an increasing number of refracting prism tips. Such an object is then formally a refractive lens. Due to the strong energy dependence of the refractive index of material for X-rays a refractive X-ray lens is chromatically focusing. The attractive feature of the alligator lens is the inherent zoomability possible as the mouth can easily be opened or closed. However, the required tolerances for the jaw rotations and the jaw positioning are so stringent, that the routine use of such systems has not been reported yet. This study will show that the related technical problems can be overcome by proper object fabrication. In fact the here presented objects can already be aligned in the production stage. Then the assembly can be made with simple tools. And the zooming is achieved by just a simple rotation. The transmission through the devices was found to be as expected, and thus performance-wise these objects can directly compete with other refractive X-ray focusing systems.