Utilization of Plant Oils for Sustainable Polyurethane Adhesives: A Review

Materials (Basel). 2024 Apr 10;17(8):1738. doi: 10.3390/ma17081738.


The utilization of plant oils as a renewable resource for the production of polyurethane adhesives presents a promising way to improve sustainability and reduce environmental impact. This review explores the potential of various vegetable oils, including waste oils, in the synthesis of polyurethanes as an alternative to conventional petroleum-based raw materials. The investigation highlights the environmental challenges associated with conventional polyurethane production and highlights the benefits of switching to bio-renewable oils. By examining the feasibility and potential applications of vegetable oil-based polyurethanes, this study emphasizes the importance of further research and development in this area to realize the full potential of sustainable polyurethane adhesives. Further research and development in this area are key to overcoming the challenges and realizing the full potential of plant-oil-based polyurethanes in various industrial applications.

Keywords: bio-renewable oils; carbon footprint; decarbonization; environmental impact; polyurethane adhesives; waste.

Publication types

  • Review