Aphidius colemani Behavior Changes Depending on Volatile Organic Compounds Emitted by Plants Infected with Viruses with Different Modes of Transmission

Insects. 2024 Jan 29;15(2):92. doi: 10.3390/insects15020092.


Natural enemies are an additional component that may interact directly with the plant-virus-vector association, affecting viral dispersion. In our study, we conducted olfactometry assays to explore how single and mixed infections with CMV or/and CABYV modify the attractiveness of A. colemani to aphid-free and aphid-infested melon plants using two melon genotypes. Subsequently, we investigated the influence of CABYV-infected plants infested by A. gossypii on the parasitism rate and emergence of A. colemani in a dual-choice assay under greenhouse conditions. Our study demonstrates that males showed no preference for either infected or non-infected plants. Female parasitoids exhibit a preference for volatiles emitted by CMV and mixed-infected melon plants over clean air but not over mock-inoculated plants, suggesting a response influenced by plant genotype. Female parasitoid responses to CABYV and its interactions with aphids revealed a preference for mock-inoculated plants over CABYV-infected plants and a parasitism rate slightly higher (7.12%) on non-infected plants. Our study revealed that (1) parasitoids may reject olfactory cues from CABYV-infected plants, potentially interfering with the plant's "cry for help" response; (2) in the case of CMV, whether in single or mixed infections, non-infected plants are as attractive as infected ones to parasitoids. Our findings suggest that persistent viruses manipulate aphid parasitoid behavior to their advantage, promoting virus disease in melon crops.

Keywords: aphid; biological control; multitrophic interactions; parasitoids; single and mixed viral infection.

Grants and funding

Funding for this work was provided by a grant from the Spanish Ministry of Science and Innovation “Multitrophic Interactions Between Plants, Viruses, Aphids and Natural Enemies in a Changing Climate (INTERVIRAPHID)” (PID2020-117074RB-I00) and by the Margarita Salas fellowship awarded to G. Clemente-Orta, funded by the EU—NextGenerationEU.