Asymmetric Convolution: An Efficient and Generalized Method to Fuse Feature Maps in Multiple Vision Tasks

IEEE Trans Pattern Anal Mach Intell. 2024 May 14:PP. doi: 10.1109/TPAMI.2024.3400873. Online ahead of print.


Fusing features from different sources is a critical aspect of many computer vision tasks. Existing approaches can be roughly categorized as parameter-free or learnable operations. However, parameter-free modules are limited in their ability to benefit from offline learning, leading to poor performance in some challenging situations. Learnable fusing methods are often space-consuming and timeconsuming, particularly when fusing features with different shapes. To address these shortcomings, we conducted an in-depth analysis of the limitations associated with both fusion methods. Based on our findings, we propose a generalized module named Asymmetric Convolution Module (ACM). This module can learn to encode effective priors during offline training and efficiently fuse feature maps with different shapes in specific tasks. Specifically, we propose a mathematically equivalent method for replacing costly convolutions on concatenated features. This method can be widely applied to fuse feature maps across different shapes. Furthermore, distinguished from parameter-free operations that can only fuse two features of the same type, our ACM is general, flexible, and can fuse multiple features of different types. To demonstrate the generality and efficiency of ACM, we integrate it into several state-of-the-art models on three representative vision tasks: visual object tracking, referring video object segmentation, and monocular 3D object detection. Extensive experimental results on three tasks and several datasets demonstrate that our new module can bring significant improvements and noteworthy efficiency.