Many-Objective Simulation-Based Optimization of an Air Separation Unit

IFAC Pap OnLine. 2021;54(3):522-527. doi: 10.1016/j.ifacol.2021.08.295. Epub 2021 Sep 8.


Air separation systems are crucial in the production of oxygen, which has gained particular relevance during the COVID-19 outbreak. Mechanical ventilation can compensate respiratory deficiencies along with the use of medical oxygen in vulnerable patients infected with this disease. In this contribution, a many-objective simulation-based optimization framework is proposed for determining eleven decision variables for the operation of an air separation unit. The framework combines the capabilities of the process simulator PRO/II with a Python environment. Three objective functions are optimized together towards the construction of a 3-D Pareto front. Results provide insightful information regarding the most adequate operating conditions of the unit, including the definition of an operational window rather than a single operational point.

Keywords: 3-D Pareto front; Cryogenic air distillation; Many-objective optimization; Operational window.