Versatile design for temporal shape control of high-power nanosecond pulsed fiber laser amplifier

Opt Express. 2024 Mar 11;32(6):9397-9404. doi: 10.1364/OE.512237.


This research proposed a novel pulse-shaping design for directly shaping distorted pulses after the amplification. Based on the principle of the design we made a pulse shaper. With this pulse shaper, we successfully manipulate the pulse's leading edge and width to achieve an 'M'-shaped waveform in an amplification system. Comparative experiments were conducted within this system to compare the output with and without the integration of the pulse shaper. The results show a significant suppression of the nonlinear effect upon adding the pulse shaper. This flexible and effective pulse shaper can be easily integrated into a high-power all-fiber system, supplying the capability to realize the desired output waveform and enhance the spectral quality.