Evidence-based clinical recommendations for hypofractionated radiotherapy: exploring efficacy and safety - Part 1. Brain and head and neck

Radiat Oncol J. 2024 Mar;42(1):17-31. doi: 10.3857/roj.2023.00899. Epub 2024 Mar 14.


Advances in radiotherapy (RT) techniques, including intensity-modulated RT and image-guided RT, have allowed hypofractionation, increasing the fraction size over the conventional dose of 1.8-2.0 Gy. Hypofractionation offers advantages such as shorter treatment times, improved compliance, and under specific conditions, particularly in tumors with a low α/β ratio, higher efficacy. It was initially explored for use in RT for prostate cancer and adjuvant RT for breast cancer, and its application has been extended to various other malignancies. Hypofractionated RT (HFRT) may also be effective in patients who are unable to undergo conventional treatment owing to poor performance status, comorbidities, or old age. The treatment of brain tumors with HFRT is relatively common because brain stereotactic radiosurgery has been performed for over two decades. However, re-irradiation of recurrent lesions and treatment of elderly or frail patients are areas under investigation. HFRT for head and neck cancer has not been widely used because of concerns regarding late toxicity. Thus, we aimed to provide a comprehensive summary of the current evidence for HFRT for brain tumors and head and neck cancer and to offer practical recommendations to clinicians faced with the challenge of choosing new treatment options.

Keywords: Brain neoplasms; Frail elderly; Glioblastoma; Head and neck neoplasms; Hypofractionation; Meningioma; Stereotactic body radiotherapy.