Continuous ultraviolet to blue-green astrocomb

Nat Commun. 2024 Feb 17;15(1):1466. doi: 10.1038/s41467-024-45924-6.


Cosmological and exoplanetary science using transformative telescopes like the ELT will demand precise calibration of astrophysical spectrographs in the blue-green, where stellar absorption lines are most abundant. Astrocombs-lasers providing a broadband sequence of regularly-spaced optical frequencies on a multi-GHz grid-promise an atomically-traceable calibration scale, but their realization in the blue-green is challenging for current infrared-laser-based technology. Here, we introduce a concept achieving a broad, continuous spectrum by combining second-harmonic generation and sum-frequency-mixing in an MgO:PPLN waveguide to generate 390-520 nm light from a 1 GHz Ti:sapphire frequency comb. Using a Fabry-Pérot filter, we extract a 30 GHz sub-comb spanning 392-472 nm, visualizing its thousands of modes on a high-resolution spectrograph. Experimental data and simulations demonstrate how the approach can bridge the spectral gap present in second-harmonic-only conversion. Requiring only [Formula: see text]100 pJ pulses, our concept establishes a new route to broadband UV-visible generation at GHz repetition rates.