Package-Less Liquid Phase Sensing Using Surface Acoustic Waves on Lithium Tantalate Oxide

IEEE Trans Ultrason Ferroelectr Freq Control. 2024 Apr;71(4):496-505. doi: 10.1109/TUFFC.2024.3366559. Epub 2024 Mar 28.


Surface acoustic wave (SAW) transducers propagating shear waves are compatible with sensing chemical compounds in a liquid phase. However, if the liquid surrounding the sensor possesses a higher permittivity than the piezoelectric substrate, then the interdigitated electrodes for converting the incoming electromagnetic wave to acoustic waves are susceptible to capacitive short-circuiting, leading to excessive insertion losses. By using high-permittivity lithium tantalate oxide (LTO), we demonstrate chemical sensing in water without the need for dedicated microfluidic packaging. Nevertheless, the gravimetric sensitivity of these package-less transmission Love-mode delay lines remains comparable to that of low-permittivity quartz when appropriately tuning the guiding layer of thin film to confine energy to the surface in a Love mode. We extend the transmission line gravimetric sensitivity measurement to a reflective delay line geometry for passive transducers that can be wirelessly probed. For instance, ground-penetrating radar (GPR) can be used for subsurface sensing, here targeting water pollution detection, operating in the 100-500-MHz range. This center frequency was selected as a tradeoff between penetration depth (lower frequency) and antenna size (smaller at higher frequency). Nonspecific binding of proteins detection is shown in the context of biosensing applications.