Commentary: Policy Challenges and Resiliency Related to Ending the HIV Epidemic in the Southern and Rural United States: A Call to Action

J Assoc Nurses AIDS Care. 2024 Feb 2. doi: 10.1097/JNC.0000000000000454. Online ahead of print.


In this commentary, we describe current policy trends and their implications for the health of populations in the Southern and rural United States. We outline policy changes that threaten the prevention, care, and treatment of people at risk for HIV or with HIV and sociopolitical factors contributing to these policy trends. We also issue a call-to-action for individuals with Southern and rural US policy expertise and lived or living experience to collaboratively engage on a systematic policy analysis to thoroughly document relevant policies and deepen our understanding of the influences behind these policies. Finally, we provide examples of individual, community, and national level resiliency and courage-strategies that inspire advocacy and hope in the face of policy setbacks.