Whole-genome sequence of the non-rhizobial root nodule endophyte Bosea sp. strain 685 isolated from the root nodule of Astragalus umbellatus Bunge., growing on the Kamchatka Peninsula

Microbiol Resour Announc. 2024 Feb 15;13(2):e0103323. doi: 10.1128/mra.01033-23. Epub 2024 Jan 11.


This study reports the whole-genome sequence of an endosymbiotic bacteria Bosea sp. strain 685, which was isolated from the root nodule of Astragalus umbellatus Bunge. in the Kamchatka Peninsula, Russia. The genome consists of one chromosome and one plasmid with a total length of 6,795,213 bp and 65.37% of GC content.

Keywords: Bosea; plant-microbe interaction.