Digital workflow to produce 3D-printed incisal facial indirect restoration with lingual rest seats to support a removable partial denture

J Prosthet Dent. 2023 Dec 19:S0022-3913(23)00761-8. doi: 10.1016/j.prosdent.2023.11.012. Online ahead of print.


A technique for fabricating lingual rest seats and indirect incisal restorations using a digital workflow is described. After intraoral scanning, the incisal edge position of the restoration and lingual rest seats for a subsequent removable partial denture (RPD) were designed digitally. Adaptation was evaluated with trial restorations, and definitive restorations were printed from a 3-dimensional resin (Varseo Smile Crown Plus Bego; Wilcos). The restorations were cemented with a heated composite resin (Tetric N; Ivoclar AG) polymerized for 40 seconds. The RPD was fabricated and delivered following a conventional technique. This standard, rapid, cost-effective, and straightforward approach allows a controlled and standardized process to obtain lingual rest seats and incisal restorations simultaneously, providing support for a successful Kennedy Class I RPD.