Dataset of inertial measurements of smartphones and smartwatches for human activity recognition

Data Brief. 2023 Nov 17:51:109809. doi: 10.1016/j.dib.2023.109809. eCollection 2023 Dec.


This article describes a dataset for human activity recognition with inertial measurements, i.e., accelerometer and gyroscope, from a smartphone and a smartwatch placed in the left pocket and on the left wrist, respectively. Twenty-three heterogeneous subjects (μ = 44.3, σ = 14.3, 56% male) participated in the data collection, which consisted of performing five activities (seated, standing up, walking, turning, and sitting down) arranged in a specific sequence (corresponding with the TUG test). Subjects performed the sequence of activities multiple times while the devices collected inertial data at 100 Hz and were video-recorded by a researcher for data labelling purposes. The goal of this dataset is to provide smartphone- and smartwatch-based inertial data for human activity recognition collected from a heterogeneous (i.e., age-diverse, gender-balanced) set of subjects. Along with the dataset, the repository includes demographic information (age, gender), information about each sequence of activities (smartphone's orientation in the pocket, direction of turns), and a Python package with utility functions (data loading, visualization, etc). The dataset can be reused for different purposes in the field of human activity recognition, from cross-subject evaluation to comparison of recognition performance using data from smartphones and smartwatches.

Keywords: Cross-subject evaluation; HAR; Heterogeneous subjects; Inertial sensors; Mobile devices.