Low-temperature photothermal-induced alkyl radical release facilitates dihydroartemisinin-triggered "valve-off" starvation therapy

Asian J Pharm Sci. 2023 Sep;18(5):100850. doi: 10.1016/j.ajps.2023.100850. Epub 2023 Sep 30.


The high nutrient and energy demand of tumor cells compared to normal cells to sustain rapid proliferation offer a potentially auspicious avenue for implementing starvation therapy. However, conventional starvation therapy, such as glucose exhaustion and vascular thrombosis, can lead to systemic toxicity and exacerbate tumor hypoxia. Herein, we developed a new "valve-off" starvation tactic, which was accomplished by closing the valve of glucose transporter protein 1 (GLUT1). Specifically, dihydroartemisinin (DHA), 2,20-azobis [2-(2-imidazolin-2-yl) propane] dihydrochloride (AI), and Ink were co-encapsulated in a sodium alginate (ALG) hydrogel. Upon irradiation with the 1064 nm laser, AI rapidly disintegrated into alkyl radicals (R), which exacerbated the DHA-induced mitochondrial damage through the generation of reactive oxygen species and further reduced the synthesis of adenosine triphosphate (ATP). Simultaneously, the production of R facilitated DHA-induced starvation therapy by suppressing GLUT1, which in turn reduced glucose uptake. Systematic in vivo and in vitro results suggested that this radical-enhanced "valve-off" strategy for inducing tumor cell starvation was effective in reducing glucose uptake and ATP levels. This integrated strategy induces tumor starvation with efficient tumor suppression, creating a new avenue for controlled, precise, and concerted tumor therapy.

Keywords: Alkyl radicals; Hydrogel; Ink; Low-temperature photothermal; Starvation therapy.