Hazard vs. exposure: Does it make a difference in identifying chemicals with persistence and mobility concerns?

Water Res. 2023 Oct 15:245:120610. doi: 10.1016/j.watres.2023.120610. Epub 2023 Sep 10.


Persistent and mobile (PM) chemicals are considered emerging threats to the environment and drinking water because they can be transported over long distances, penetrate natural and artificial barriers, and resist removal by traditional water treatment procedures. Current chemical regulatory frameworks raise concerns over PM chemicals due to their potential to cause high human exposure through drinking water contamination. However, the criteria used to screen and identify these chemicals often rely on hazard properties related to stability and sorption, such as biodegradation half-lives and organic-carbon-normalized sorption coefficients as respective measures of P and M. Here, we conduct a model-based assessment to examine the consistency between hazard-based and exposure-based approaches in assessing PM chemicals, by evaluating whether chemicals identified as highly P and M are consistently associated with high drinking water exposure potential (DWEP). We discover that chemicals with the top DWEPs tend to be PM chemicals, but the reverse is not always true, because DWEPs are also impacted by volatilization for air-distributed chemicals and advective particle-bound transport for particle-bound chemicals. Our findings suggest that the hazard metrics are better suited for de-prioritizing, as opposed to prioritizing, chemicals that are unlikely to result in significant human exposure through drinking water, as unfavorable values of hazard metrics are a necessary but not sufficient condition for a high DWEP. We also find that distinct mechanisms determine the DWEP in different sources of drinking water: Sorption and stability are more influential on the DWEP of chemicals in groundwater and surface water, respectively, whereas both sorption and stability equally impact water undergoing riverbank filtration. Future studies should focus on optimizing the identification of persistent and mobile chemicals to ensure that exposure potential is taken into consideration.

Keywords: Drinking water exposure potential; Exposure; Hazard; Mobility; Persistence.