Loss of Panx1 function in zebrafish alters motor behavior in a lab-on-chip model of Parkinson's disease

J Neurosci Res. 2023 Dec;101(12):1814-1825. doi: 10.1002/jnr.25241. Epub 2023 Sep 9.


Pannexin 1 (Panx1) forms ATP-permeable membrane channels that play roles in purinergic signaling in the nervous system. A link between Panx1 activity and neurodegenerative disorders including Parkinson's disease (PD) has been suggested, but experimental evidence is limited. Here, a zebrafish model of PD was produced by exposing panx1a+/+ and panx1a-/- zebrafish larvae to 6-hydroxydopamine (6-OHDA). Electrical stimulation in a microfluidic chip and quantitative real-time-qPCR of zebrafish larvae tested the role of Panx1 in both pathological and normal conditions. After 72-h treatment with 6-OHDA, the electric-induced locomotor activity of 5 days post fertilization (5dpf) panx1a+/+ larvae were reduced, while the stimulus did not affect locomotor activity of age-matched panx1a-/- larvae. A RT-qPCR analysis showed an increase in the expression of genes that are functionally related to dopaminergic signaling, like the tyrosine hydroxylase (th2) and the leucine-rich repeat kinase 2 (lrrk2). Extending the 6-OHDA treatment duration to 120 h caused a significant reduction in the locomotor response of 7dpf panx1a-/- larvae compared to the untreated panx1a-/- group. The RT-qPCR data showed a reduced expression of dopaminergic signaling genes in both genotypes. It was concluded that the absence of Panx1a channels compromised dopaminergic signaling in 6-OHDA-treated zebrafish larvae and that the increase in the expression of dopaminergic genes was transient, most likely due to a compensatory upregulation. We propose that zebrafish Panx1a models offer opportunities to shed light on PD's physiological and molecular basis. Panx1a might play a role on the progression of PD, and therefore deserves further investigation.

Keywords: Panx1a knockout; Parkinson's disease model; RT-qPCR; electric-induced response; microfluidics; zebrafish.