Dental restoration operative time and analysis of the internal gap of conventional resins (Incremental Technique) vs. Bulk Fill (Single-Increment Technique): In vitro study

J Clin Exp Dent. 2023 Aug 1;15(8):e621-e628. doi: 10.4317/jced.60717. eCollection 2023 Aug.


Background: To determine the operative time and the internal restoration gap in the restoration-tooth interface in the cavity floor using an incremental technique for conventional resins and the single-increment technique for the bulk fill resin.

Material and methods: In this in vitro experimental study, the internal gaps of the restoration-tooth interfaces in the cavity floors of two conventional resins and two bulk fill resins were microscopically analyzed, and the restoration times of the single-increment technique and the incremental technique were determined.

Results: Bulk fill resins had smaller internal gap (63.31 µm) than conventional resins (333.14 µm). Regarding the restoration time, the single-increment technique obtained the best results in operative time (3.52 minutes), with significant differences relative to the incremental technique.

Conclusions: The Tetric N-Ceram bulk fill resin presented better performance than conventional resins relative to the internal gap of the restoration-tooth interface in the cavity floor. In addition, the single-increment technique presented a short clinical restoration time. Key words:Composite, internal gap, restoration technique.