Influence of poly-L-ornithine-bile acid nano hydrogels on cellular bioactivity and potential pharmacological applications

Ther Deliv. 2023 Sep 5. doi: 10.4155/tde-2023-0034. Online ahead of print.


Aim: Cellular bioactivity and pathophysiological changes associated with chronic disorders are considered pivotal detrimental factors when developing novel formulations for biomedical applications. Methods: This paper investigates the use of bile acids and synthetic polypeptide poly-L-ornithine (PLO) in formulations and their impacts on a variety of cell lines, with a particular focus on their cellular bioactivity. Results: The hepatic cell line was the most negatively affected by the presence of PLO, while the muscle and beta-pancreatic cell lines did not show as profound of a negative impact of PLO on cellular viability. PLO was the least disruptive regarding mitochondrial function for muscle and beta cells. Conclusion: The addition of bile acids generally decreased mitochondrial respiration and altered bioenergetic parameters in all cell lines.

Keywords: bile acid; biocompatibility; bioenergetics; hepatic cells; muscle cells; pancreatic beta cells; poloxamer 407; poly-L-ornithine.

Plain language summary

In our study, we made special gels using two kinds of materials and different acids found in bile. We wanted to see how these gels affected different cells like muscles, liver and pancreatic beta cells. The gels we made had good traits needed for injections. Liver cells didn't enjoy the new materials very much. Adding bile acids to the materials changed how the cells acted for all cell types we looked at.