Listen to resonate: Better listening as a gateway to interpersonal positivity resonance through enhanced sensory connection and perceived safety

Curr Opin Psychol. 2023 Oct:53:101669. doi: 10.1016/j.copsyc.2023.101669. Epub 2023 Jul 25.


Although often experienced individually, emotions are at times co-experienced with others, collectively. One type of collective emotion, termed positivity resonance, refers to coexperienced positive affect accompanied by caring non-verbal behavioral synchrony and biological synchrony across persons. Growing evidence illustrates the contributions of positivity resonance to individual, relational, and community well-being. Two conditions theorized as conducive for the emergence of positivity resonance are real-time sensory connection and perceived safety. Here, we explore listening as an interpersonal process that can serve to enhance real-time sensory connection and perceived safety and thereby increase positivity resonance among conversation partners. Specifically, we present evidence that connects listening to direct gaze (i.e., real-time sensory connection) and psychological safety (i.e., perceived safety). We close by offering a framework to guide future research that can test whether and how conversational listening functions to create more moments of positivity resonance in interpersonal contexts.

Publication types

  • Review