Fus3 regulates asexual development and trap morphogenesis in the nematode-trapping fungus Arthrobotrys oligospora

iScience. 2023 Aug 7;26(8):107404. doi: 10.1016/j.isci.2023.107404. eCollection 2023 Aug 18.


Mitogen-activated protein kinase (MAPK) Fus3 is an essential regulator of cell differentiation and virulence in fungal pathogens of plants and animals. However, the function and regulatory mechanism of MAPK signaling in nematode-trapping (NT) fungi remain largely unknown. NT fungi can specialize in the formation of "traps", an important indicator of transition from a saprophytic to a predatory lifestyle. Here, we characterized an orthologous Fus3 in a typical NT fungus Arthrobotrys oligospora using multi-phenotypic analysis and multi-omics approaches. Our results showed that Fus3 plays an important role in asexual growth and development, conidiation, stress response, DNA damage, autophagy, and secondary metabolism. Importantly, Fus3 plays an indispensable role in hyphal fusion, trap morphogenesis, and nematode predation. Moreover, we constructed the regulatory networks of Fus3 by means of transcriptomic and yeast two-hybrid techniques. This study provides insights into the mechanism of MAPK signaling in asexual development and pathogenicity of NT fungi.

Keywords: Microbial physiology; Microbiology; Molecular biology.