Exploring the Boundaries for In Vitro-In Vivo Extrapolation: Use of Isolated Rat Hepatocytes in Co-culture and Impact of Albumin Binding Properties in the Prediction of Clearance of Various Drug Types

Drug Metab Dispos. 2023 Nov;51(11):1463-1473. doi: 10.1124/dmd.123.001309. Epub 2023 Aug 14.


Prediction of hepatic clearance of drugs (via uptake or metabolism) from in vitro systems continues to be problematic, particularly when plasma protein binding is high. The following work explores simultaneous assessment of both clearance processes, focusing on a commercial hepatocyte-fibroblast co-culture system (HμREL) over a 24-hour period using six probe drugs (ranging in metabolic and transporter clearance and low-to-high plasma protein binding). A rat hepatocyte co-culture assay was established using drug depletion (measuring both medium and total concentrations) and cell uptake kinetic analysis, both in the presence and absence of plasma protein (1% bovine serum albumin). Secretion of endogenous albumin was monitored as a marker of viability, and this reached 0.004% in incubations (at a rate similar to in vivo synthesis). Binding to stromal cells was substantial and required appropriate correction factors. Drug concentration-time courses were analyzed both by conventional methods and a mechanistic cell model prior to in vivo extrapolation. Clearance assayed by drug depletion in conventional suspended rat hepatocytes provided a benchmark to evaluate co-culture value. Addition of albumin appeared to improve predictions for some compounds (where fraction unbound in the medium is less than 0.1); however, for high-binding drugs, albumin significantly limited quantification and thus predictions. Overall, these results highlight ongoing challenges concerning in vitro hepatocyte system complexity and limitations of practical expediency. Considering this, more reliable measurement of hepatically cleared compounds seems possible through judicious use of available hepatocyte systems, including co-culture systems, as described herein; this would include those compounds with low metabolic turnover but high active uptake clearance. SIGNIFICANCE STATEMENT: Co-culture systems offer a more advanced tool than standard hepatocytes, with the ability to be cultured for longer periods of time, yet their potential as an in vitro tool has not been extensively assessed. We evaluate the strengths and limitations of the HμREL system using six drugs representing various metabolic and transporter-mediated clearance pathways with various degrees of albumin binding. Studies in the presence/absence of albumin allow in vitro-in vivo extrapolation and a framework to maximize their utility.