[The importance of MR imaging in the diagnosis and management of acute stroke]

Ideggyogy Sz. 2023 Jul 30;76(7-8):233-244. doi: 10.18071/isz.76.0233.
[Article in Hungarian]


Background and purpose: <p>In our collaborative project, called MRI First!, every patient arriving with neurological symptoms of acute stroke and without contraindications was examined by MRI. Our aim was to detect the symptomatic lesions, to obtain appropriate information about the brain parenchyma and to analyse parenchymal perfusion and brain vasculature.</p>.

Methods: <p>The examinations were conduc&shy;ted on a Philips Ingenia 1.5 Tesla scanner with the following protocol: DWI-ADC, FLAIR, T2 FFE/SWI, PWI, and contrast-enhanced MRA. 415 patients were examined between January 2020 and May 2021. 179 patients arrived within-, and 136 patients after 4.5 hours symptoms onset time, while 100 patients had &ldquo;wake-up&rdquo; stroke.</p>.

Results: <p>Within the 4.5 hours group, 81 cases had acute ischemic lesion, 48 of them received reperfusion therapy. Acute ische&shy;mic lesion was found in 64 patients in the wake-up stroke group and in 64 in the 4.5-24 hours group. In these groups 10 and 12 patients obtained reperfusion therapy, respectively. Further 117 cases were considered as stroke mimics, in which cases unnecessary intravenous thrombolysis was avoidable.</p>.

Conclusion: <p>MRI is accepted as a sensitive diagnostic modality providing detailed information regarding the brain parenchyma, its perfusion and vasculature. Nonetheless, its worldwide utilization in acute stroke is low and further information should be collected&nbsp;on which patient groups would gain the most benefit from acute MR imaging. Our continuous work is aimed at that goal.</p>.

Background and purpose: <p>Az MRI First! projekt keret&eacute;n bel&uuml;l 2020. janu&aacute;r 1-j&eacute;től ictalis neurol&oacute;giai g&oacute;ct&uuml;nettel jelentkező betegek eset&eacute;ben elsődleges modalit&aacute;sk&eacute;nt MRI-vizsg&aacute;latot v&eacute;gz&uuml;nk. C&eacute;lunk a klinikai t&uuml;neteket magyar&aacute;z&oacute; elt&eacute;r&eacute;sek kimutat&aacute;sa, a tov&aacute;bbi potenci&aacute;lis kezel&eacute;shez min&eacute;l pontosabb adatok k&ouml;zl&eacute;se a parenchyma &aacute;llapot&aacute;r&oacute;l, a perf&uacute;zi&oacute;s &eacute;s vascularis viszonyokr&oacute;l.</p>.

Methods: <p>A vizsg&aacute;latokat 1,5 Tesla Philips Ingenia MR-k&eacute;sz&uuml;l&eacute;ken v&eacute;gezt&uuml;k. Vizsg&aacute;lati protokollk&eacute;nt a kopony&aacute;r&oacute;l axialis FLAIR, DWI &eacute;s ADC, T2 FFE /SWI, kontrasztanyagos perf&uacute;zi&oacute;s sorozat, valamint a nyaki &eacute;s intracranialis erekről bolus 3D MRA-szekvenci&aacute;k k&eacute;sz&uuml;ltek. 2020. janu&aacute;r &eacute;s 2021. m&aacute;jus k&ouml;z&ouml;tt &ouml;sszesen 415 stroke vagy TIA ir&aacute;nydiagn&oacute;zissal refer&aacute;lt beteget vizsg&aacute;ltunk. K&ouml;z&uuml;l&uuml;k 179 beteg 4,5 &oacute;r&aacute;n bel&uuml;li, 136 beteg 4,5 &oacute;r&aacute;n t&uacute;li, 100 beteg &eacute;bred&eacute;si t&uuml;netkezdettel ker&uuml;lt felv&eacute;telre.</p>.

Results: <p>A 4,5 &oacute;r&aacute;n bel&uuml;li csoportban 81 betegn&eacute;l igazol&oacute;dott friss ischaemi&aacute;s laesio, &eacute;s 48 beteg r&eacute;szes&uuml;lt reperf&uacute;zi&oacute;s kezel&eacute;sben. Az &eacute;bred&eacute;si stroke csoportban 64 betegn&eacute;l tal&aacute;ltunk akut ischaemi&aacute;t, k&ouml;z&uuml;l&uuml;k 10 beteg r&eacute;szes&uuml;lt reperf&uacute;zi&oacute;s kezel&eacute;sben. 4,5 &oacute;r&aacute;n t&uacute;l 64 betegn&eacute;l igazol&oacute;dott friss ischaemia, k&ouml;z&uuml;l&uuml;k 12 betegn&eacute;l indult reperf&uacute;zi&oacute;s kezel&eacute;s. &Ouml;sszesen 117 betegn&eacute;l igazol&oacute;dott alternatív diagn&oacute;zis, stroke-ot ut&aacute;nz&oacute; &aacute;llapot, aminek ismeret&eacute;ben a felesleges rtPA-kezel&eacute;s elker&uuml;lhető volt.&nbsp;</p>.

Conclusion: <p>Az irodalomban ismert &eacute;s elfogadott, hogy az MR-vizsg&aacute;lat pontos &eacute;s nagy mennyis&eacute;gű inform&aacute;ci&oacute;t szolg&aacute;ltat az agyi folyamatokr&oacute;l. Ennek ellen&eacute;re vil&aacute;gszerte csak n&eacute;h&aacute;ny centrum foglalkozik akut stroke MR-rel. Munk&aacute;nkat azzal a c&eacute;llal v&eacute;gezz&uuml;k, hogy adatot szerezz&uuml;nk arr&oacute;l, mely betegcsoportoknak leghasznosabb az akut MR-diagnosztika.</p>.

Keywords: MR; MR angiography; MR diffusion; MR perfusion; stroke; thrombectomy; thrombolysis.

Publication types

  • English Abstract

MeSH terms

  • Brain / pathology
  • Brain Ischemia* / diagnosis
  • Diffusion Magnetic Resonance Imaging
  • Humans
  • Magnetic Resonance Imaging / methods
  • Stroke* / diagnostic imaging
  • Stroke* / therapy