Patient with recurrent neuralgic amyotrophy; right brachial plexitis and left posterior interosseous neuropathy

Ideggyogy Sz. 2023 Jul 30;76(7-8):286-288. doi: 10.18071/isz.76.0286.


<p>Neuralgic amyotrophy (NA), also known as Parsonage-Turner syndrome or idiopathic brachial plexopathy, is a multifocal inflammatory neuropathy that usually affects the upper limbs. The classic picture is a patient with acute onset of asymmetric upper extremity symptoms, excruciating pain, rapid onset of multifocal paresis often involving winged scapula, and a monophasic course of the disease.&nbsp;<br>We present an unusual case of recurrent NA characterized first by right brachial plexitis and then isolated left posterior interosseous nerve palsy.&nbsp;</p>.

<p>A neuralgikus amyotrophia (NA), m&aacute;s n&eacute;ven Parsonage&ndash;Turner-szindr&oacute;ma vagy idiopa&shy;thi&aacute;s brachialis plexopathia egy multifok&aacute;lis gyullad&aacute;sos neuropathia, ami &aacute;ltal&aacute;ban a felső v&eacute;gtagokat &eacute;rinti. A klasszikus k&eacute;pet a betegn&eacute;l akutan kezdődő aszimmetrikus felső v&eacute;gtagi t&uuml;netek, kínz&oacute; f&aacute;jdalom, gyorsan kialakul&oacute;, gyakran el&aacute;ll&oacute;, &bdquo;sz&aacute;rnyas&rdquo; lapock&aacute;t eredm&eacute;nyező, multifok&aacute;lis paresis &eacute;s monof&aacute;zisos lefoly&aacute;s jellemzi.&nbsp;<br>Bemutatunk egy szokatlan esetet, amikor a visszat&eacute;rő NA-t elősz&ouml;r jobb oldali brachialis plexitis, majd izol&aacute;lt bal oldali nervus interosseus posterior b&eacute;nul&aacute;s jellemezte.&nbsp;</p>.

Keywords: brachial plexitis; posterior interosseous nerve (PIN); recurrent neuralgic amyotrophy.

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  • Case Reports