The Nursing Practice Environment and Patients' Satisfaction with Nursing Care in a Hospital Context

Healthcare (Basel). 2023 Jun 26;11(13):1850. doi: 10.3390/healthcare11131850.


Nursing, being a profession in health, aims to improve the quality of the response to patients' demands, which have repercussions on the attitudes, behaviors and performance of nurses.

Background: The aim of the study was to evaluate the relationships among the nursing practice environment, nurse-patient interactions and patients' satisfaction with nursing care in a hospital context.

Methods: The study applied a descriptive analysis. Based on the initial exploration of the data, we decided to perform a simple linear regression of the dimensions of the scales.

Results: The latent variables and interactions between the different dimensions of the three constructs (the nursing practice environment (PES-NWI), nurse-patient interactions (NPIS-22-PT) and patients' satisfaction in the hospital context (SAPSNC-18)) were submitted to confirmatory analysis. The model was statistically significant, with a good fit with the data (χ2/gl = 128.6/41 (0.000); GFI = 0.900; AGFI = 0.831; TLI = 0.910; CFI = 0.907; RMSEA = 0.102).

Conclusions: The study showed favorable rates of overall satisfaction on the part of patients, such as the nurses' skills in dealing with their illness/health situation, ability to solve problems in a timely manner, responsiveness to patients' needs and technical competence.

Keywords: clinical nursing; hospital; nursing; nursing assessment; patient participation.