PCR primer design for mitochondrial cox-1 gene from Clinostomum complanatum towards diagnosis

Bioinformation. 2022 Sep 30;18(9):831-833. doi: 10.6026/97320630018831. eCollection 2022.


Metacercariae of Clinostomum Leidy, 1856 are frequently encountered in freshwater fish. Clinostomum complanatum is a digenetic zoonotic parasite harbouring the intestine and body cavity of the fishes. 19 human incidences of Clinostomum complanatum infection have been reported to cause pharyngitis and lacramalitis from Japan, Thailand and Korea. Hence, adequate yet effective diagnosis is an issue. Designing primers used in the amplification of genes with adequate specificity and efficiency is of help in diagnosis. Hence, we describe primer design for cox-1 gene from the helminth parasite, Clinostomum complanatum parasitizing the intestine of fish Channastriata (Snakehead murrel). Thus, these designed primers set will be of further use in the wet lab for amplification of concerned gene or DNA fragment.

Keywords: Clinostomum complanatum; DNA; cox-1; design; gene; primer; zoonotic.