Face and content validity of a biological papilla designed for the Boškoski-Costamagna ERCP simulator

Gastrointest Endosc. 2023 Nov;98(5):822-829.e1. doi: 10.1016/j.gie.2023.06.014. Epub 2023 Jun 28.


Background and aims: A biological papilla made of chicken heart tissue, incorporated into the Boškoski-Costamagna ERCP Trainer simulator, was recently designed to allow training in sphincterotomy. This study aimed to evaluate the face and content validity of this tool.

Method: Participants from 2 groups (nonexperienced and experienced [<600 or >600 lifetime ERCPs, respectively]) were invited to perform standardized assignments on the model: sphincterotomy and precut for both groups and papillectomy for the experienced group. Following these assignments, all participants filled out a questionnaire to rate their appreciation of the realism of the model, and experienced endoscopists were also asked to evaluate its didactic value using a 5-point Likert scale.

Results: A total of 19 participants were included (nonexperienced, n = 10; experienced, n = 9). Parameters regarding the realism of the tool in terms of general appearance, sphincterotomy, precut, and papillectomy were overall considered realistic (4 of 5), with good agreement rates in terms of overall realism between groups. Experienced operators reported the highest realism for "positioning the scope and needle-knife in the field of view" and "during precut," "cutting in small increments during precut," and "controlling the scope during papillectomy," and they highly agreed that this papilla should be included for training novice and intermediate trainees in sphincterotomy, precut, and papillectomy.

Conclusions: Our results show good face validity and excellent content validity of this biological papilla combined with the Boškoski-Costamagna ERCP Trainer. This new tool provides a useful, inexpensive, versatile, and easy tool for training regarding sphincterotomy, precut, and papillectomy. Future studies should explore whether including this model in real-life training improves the learning curve of endoscopy trainees.