Data for crystallisation of a homologous series of single and mixed n-alkanes (C16 - C23) from representative hydrocarbon fuel solvents

Data Brief. 2023 May 2:48:109198. doi: 10.1016/j.dib.2023.109198. eCollection 2023 Jun.


The data presented in this article relates to the crystallisation of 8 single n-alkanes, C16H34 - C23H48 in representative diesel solvents dodecane and toluene, as well as a mixture of these 8-alkanes with a composition representative of real diesel fuel in the same solvents. For the single alkane systems, the data was collected over a range of 5 concentrations ranging from 0.09 - 0.311xi, depending upon the system, and 4 concentrations for the 8-alkane mixture, 0.1 - 0.5xi. Raw average crystallisation and dissolution points as a function of cooling rate (q) from a polythermal methodology are presented. Along with the equilibrium crystallisation and dissolution temperatures, van't Hoff fitting parameters, relative critical undercooling (uc) values as a function of q as well as the calculated values of KG and αdet.

Keywords: Hydrocarbon fuels; Nucleation mechanism and kinetics; Solution solubility and ideality; n-Alkanes.