A Case of Large Elbow Tuberous Xanthoma

Cureus. 2023 May 15;15(5):e39044. doi: 10.7759/cureus.39044. eCollection 2023 May.


The purpose of this case report is to share the rare presentation of multiple giant tuberous xanthomas. Tuberous xanthomas are papulonodular skin lesions that are typically seen in patients with lipoprotein metabolism disorders. The patient in this report presented with large swellings on the right elbow and bilaterally on the Achilles tendons. Surgical excision of the mass in the right elbow revealed a tuberous xanthoma. Tuberous xanthomas are commonly seen in patients with lipid metabolism disorders which predisposes patients to developing morbid conditions. Therefore, while tuberous xanthomas are benign growths, patients should have a systemic workup performed in order to prevent or provide early intervention for morbid conditions.

Keywords: hypercholesterolemia; hyperlipidemia; lipoprotein; metabolism disorder; tuberous xanthomas.

Publication types

  • Case Reports