The Orthodontics-Periodontics Challenges in Integrated Treatment: A Comprehensive Review

Cureus. 2023 May 14;15(5):e38994. doi: 10.7759/cureus.38994. eCollection 2023 May.


Orthodontics and periodontics are intricately linked since adult orthodontics often implicate the periodontium. Periodontal intervention is needed throughout all phases of orthodontic treatment, from orthodontic diagnosis to mid-treatment periodontal assessment and postoperative evaluation. Invariably, periodontal health affects orthodontic success. Conversely, orthodontic tooth movements may serve as adjunctive therapy in patients with periodontal disease. This review aimed to provide a comprehensive understanding of the orthodontic-periodontic relationship for optimizing therapeutic strategies and achieving the best treatment outcomes in patients.

Keywords: clinical assessment; forces; interdisciplinary; interrelationship; orthodontic treatment; orthodontics; periodontal treatment; periodontics; plaque accumulation.

Publication types

  • Review