"Challenges" During Leadless Pacemaker Implantation

Cardiol Rev. 2023 Jun 5. doi: 10.1097/CRD.0000000000000542. Online ahead of print.


Leadless pacemaker (LP) is a new type of pacemaker that integrates generator and leads, and has become an effective alternative to traditional transvenous pacemakers. It can be used for difficult or complicated situations of traditional pacemaker implantation, such as subclavian vein occlusion, traditional pacemaker pocket infection, lead fracture, and multiple pacemaker replacements. Because no pockets and leads are required, LPs eliminate pocket- and lead-related complications compared to traditional pacemakers. Multiple studies have demonstrated its reliable safety and efficacy. Compared with traditional pacemakers, due to the different implantation methods, the difficulties encountered during the implantation process are also different. This article reviews the difficulties that may be encountered during leadless implantation and looks forward to the future of leadless pacemakers.