[Impact of the type of hematopoietic stem-cell transplant on quality of life and psychopathology]

Ideggyogy Sz. 2023 Jan 30;76(1-2):25-35. doi: 10.18071/isz.76.0025.
[Article in Hungarian]


Background and purpose: <p>Despite the decrease in transplant-related mortality, patients who receive hematopoietic stem-cell transplants often suffer from short-and long-term morbidities, poorer quality of life, and psychosocial functioning deficits. Several studies have compared the quality of life and affective symptoms of patients after undergoing autologous and allogeneic hematopoietic stem-cell transplants. Some studies have reported similar or greater quality of life impairments in allogeneic hematopoietic stem-cell recipients, but the findings have been inconsistent. Our purpose was to examine the influence of the type of hematopoietic stem-cell transplantation on the quality of life and affective symptoms of patients.</p>.

Methods: <p>The study sample comprised 121 patients with various hematological diseases who underwent hematopoietic stem-cell transplantation at St. Istv&aacute;n and St. L&aacute;szl&oacute; Hospitals, Budapest. The study had a cross-sectional design. Quality of life was evaluated using the Hungarian version of the Functional Assessment of Cancer Therapy&ndash;Bone Marrow Transplant scale (FACT-BMT). Anxiety and depressive symptoms were assessed using Spielberger&rsquo;s State and Trait Anxiety Inventory (STAI) and the Beck Dep&shy;ression Inventory (BDI), respectively. Basic sociodemographic and clinical variables were also recorded. Comparisons between autologous and allogeneic recipients were analyzed using a t-test when the variables were normally distributed and a Mann&ndash;Whitney U test otherwise. A stepwise multiple linear regression analysis was performed to identify the risk factors that contributed to the quality of life and the affective symptoms in each group.</p>.

Results: <p>Quality of life (p=0.83) and affective symptoms (pBDI=0.24; pSSTAI=0.63) were similar between the autologous and allogeneic transplant groups. The BDI scores of allogeneic transplant patients indicated mild depression, but their STAI scores were similar to those of the general population. Allogeneic transplant patients with symptoms of graft-versus-host disease (GVHD) experienced more severe clinical conditions (p=0.01), poorer functional status (p&lt;0.01) and received more immunosuppressive treatment (p&lt;0.01) than those without graft versus host disease. Patients suffering from graft versus host disease experienced more severe depression (p=0.01), and constant anxiety (p=0.03) than those without graft versus host disease. Quality of life was affected by depressive and anxiety symptoms and psychiatric comorbidity in both the alloge&shy;neic and autologous groups.</p>.

Conclusion: <p>Graft versus host disease-related severe somatic complaints seemed to influence the allogeneic transplant patients&rsquo; quality of life by inducing depressive and anxiety symptoms.</p>.

Background and purpose: <p>Az őssejt-transzplant&aacute;ci&oacute;val &ouml;sszef&uuml;ggő mortalit&aacute;s folyamatos cs&ouml;kken&eacute;se ellen&eacute;re a r&ouml;vid &eacute;s hossz&uacute; t&aacute;v&uacute; komorbidit&aacute;s ar&aacute;nya tov&aacute;bbra is magas, ami jelentős negat&iacute;v hat&aacute;st gyakorol a betegek &eacute;letminős&eacute;g&eacute;re, &eacute;s n&ouml;veli a pszich&eacute;s t&uuml;&shy;ne&shy;tek kialakul&aacute;s&aacute;nak kock&aacute;zat&aacute;t. Sz&aacute;mos, ellentmond&oacute; eredm&eacute;nyeket tartalmaz&oacute; kuta&shy;t&aacute;s ir&aacute;nyult az allog&eacute;n &eacute;s autol&oacute;g őssejt-&aacute;t&uuml;ltet&eacute;sen &aacute;tesett betegek &eacute;letminős&eacute;g&eacute;&shy;nek &eacute;s affekt&iacute;v t&uuml;neteinek kapcsolat&aacute;ra. A ku&shy;tat&aacute;sok nagyobb h&aacute;nyada hasonl&oacute; vagy rosszabb &eacute;letminős&eacute;get detekt&aacute;lt az al&shy;log&eacute;nőssejt-transzplant&aacute;ci&oacute;n &aacute;tesett betegekn&eacute;l. Jelen vizsg&aacute;latunk c&eacute;lja az autol&oacute;g &eacute;s az allog&eacute;n őssejt-transzplant&aacute;ci&oacute;n &aacute;tesett betegek &eacute;letminős&eacute;g&eacute;nek &eacute;s affekt&iacute;v t&uuml;neteinek vizsg&aacute;lata. Felt&eacute;telezz&uuml;k, hogy a transzplant&aacute;ci&oacute; t&iacute;pusa hat&aacute;ssal van a betegek &eacute;letminős&eacute;g&eacute;re &eacute;s affekt&iacute;v reakci&oacute;ira.</p>.

Methods: <p>Keresztmetszeti kutat&aacute;sunkban az &eacute;letminős&eacute;g vizsg&aacute;lat&aacute;ra a Functional Assessment of Cancer Therapy-Bone Mar&shy;row Transplant Scale (FACT-BMT) magyar v&aacute;l&shy;tozat&aacute;t, a depresszi&oacute; m&eacute;r&eacute;s&eacute;re a Beck depresszi&oacute;-k&eacute;rdő&iacute;vet (BDI), a szorong&aacute;s vizsg&aacute;lat&aacute;ra a Spielberger-f&eacute;le &Aacute;llapot &eacute;s Von&aacute;s k&eacute;rdő&iacute;vet (STAI) haszn&aacute;ltuk. Az autol&oacute;g &eacute;s allog&eacute;n őssejt-transzplant&aacute;ci&oacute;n &aacute;tesett bete&shy;gek &ouml;sszehasonl&iacute;t&aacute;s&aacute;hoz norm&aacute;leloszl&aacute;s&uacute; v&aacute;ltoz&oacute;k eset&eacute;ben t-pr&oacute;b&aacute;t, ettől elt&eacute;rő el&shy;oszl&aacute;s eset&eacute;n Mann&ndash;Withney-f&eacute;le U-pr&oacute;b&aacute;t alkalmaztunk. Az &eacute;letminős&eacute;g &eacute;s az affekt&iacute;v t&uuml;netk&eacute;pz&eacute;s rizik&oacute;faktorainak azonos&iacute;t&aacute;s&aacute;hoz regresszi&oacute;anal&iacute;zist (stepwise m&oacute;dszer) v&eacute;gezt&uuml;nk. Emellett a szociodemogr&aacute;fiai &eacute;s klinikai adatok is r&ouml;gz&iacute;t&eacute;sre ker&uuml;ltek. A vizsg&aacute;lati minta 121, k&uuml;l&ouml;nb&ouml;ző hematol&oacute;giai betegs&eacute;gben szenvedő, &eacute;s az Egyes&iacute;tett Szent Istv&aacute;n &eacute;s Szent L&aacute;szl&oacute; K&oacute;rh&aacute;zban őssejt-transzplant&aacute;ci&oacute;n &aacute;tesett betegből &aacute;llt.&nbsp;</p>.

Results: <p><span style="color: rgb(0, 0, 0);">Az autol&oacute;g &eacute;s az allog&eacute;n őssejt-&aacute;t&uuml;ltet&eacute;sen &aacute;tesett csoport &eacute;letminő&shy;s&eacute;g&eacute;ben (p = 0,83) &eacute;s affekt&iacute;v t&uuml;neteiben (pBDI = 0,24; pSSTAI = 0,63) nem tal&aacute;ltunk szig&shy;nifik&aacute;ns k&uuml;l&ouml;nbs&eacute;get. Az allog&eacute;n betegek enyhe depresszi&oacute;s t&uuml;neteket mutattak, de szorong&aacute;sszintj&uuml;k nem t&eacute;rt el az &aacute;tlagt&oacute;l. Azok az allog&eacute;n betegek, akikn&eacute;l graft versus host betegs&eacute;g (GVHD) t&uuml;netei alakultak ki, szorong&oacute;bbnak (p = 0,03) &eacute;s depresszi&oacute;sabbnak (p = 0,01) &eacute;rezt&eacute;k magukat, mint azok az allog&eacute;n transzplant&aacute;ci&oacute;n &aacute;tesett be&shy;tegek, akikn&eacute;k nem alakult ki ilyen sz&ouml;vődm&eacute;ny. Ezek a betegek t&ouml;bb transzplant&aacute;ci&oacute;val &ouml;sszef&uuml;ggő szomatikus panaszr&oacute;l sz&aacute;moltak be (p = 0,01), nagyobb ar&aacute;nyban r&eacute;szes&uuml;ltek immunszuppressz&iacute;v kezel&eacute;sben (p &lt; 0,01) &eacute;s eg&eacute;szs&eacute;gi &aacute;llapotuk is rosszabb volt (p &lt; 0,01). Az &eacute;letminős&eacute;get befoly&aacute;sol&oacute; rizik&oacute;faktork&eacute;nt mindk&eacute;t csoportban az affekt&iacute;v t&uuml;netek &eacute;s a pszichi&aacute;triai komorbidit&aacute;s emelkedett ki.</span></p>.

Conclusion: <p>Vizsg&aacute;lati eredm&eacute;nyeink szerint a graft versus host betegs&eacute;ggel &ouml;sszef&uuml;ggő szomatikus panaszok talaj&aacute;n megjelenő depresszi&oacute;s &eacute;s szorong&aacute;sos t&uuml;netek az allog&eacute;n betegekn&eacute;l az &eacute;letminős&eacute;g roml&aacute;s&aacute;hoz vezetnek.</p>.

Keywords: anxiety; depression; hematopoietic stem-cell transplantation; psychopathology; quality of life.

Publication types

  • English Abstract

MeSH terms

  • Cross-Sectional Studies
  • Depressive Disorder* / complications
  • Graft vs Host Disease* / epidemiology
  • Graft vs Host Disease* / etiology
  • Graft vs Host Disease* / psychology
  • Hematopoietic Stem Cell Transplantation* / adverse effects
  • Hematopoietic Stem Cell Transplantation* / psychology
  • Humans
  • Quality of Life