Homework in Cognitive Behavioral Supervision: Theoretical Background and Clinical Application

Psychol Res Behav Manag. 2022 Dec 22:15:3809-3824. doi: 10.2147/PRBM.S382246. eCollection 2022.


The homework aims to generalize the patient's knowledge and encourage practicing skills learned during therapy sessions. Encouraging and facilitating homework is an important part of supervisees in their supervision, and problems with using homework in therapy are a common supervision agenda. Supervisees are encouraged to conceptualize the patient's lack of homework and promote awareness of their own beliefs and responses to non-cooperation. The supervision focuses on homework twice - first as a part of the supervised therapy and second as a part of the supervision itself. Homework assigned in supervision usually deals with mapping problems, monitoring certain behaviors (mostly communication with the patient), or implementing new behaviors in therapy.

Keywords: cognitive behavioral therapy; homework; self-reflection; supervision.